I wrote this entry late December, but for some reson never posted it. Perhaps it is because words written into cyber space in some way hold people accountable to what they publish (insert sarcastic eye rolling smiley here). Part of me just thinks that I forgot. Whatever the reason, accidental, subconcious or fully concious, here it is for the world to see... my new year's resolution!
I am passionate. Too often that passion turns to anger, outrage and disappointment. I get frustrated because I feel that people are missing the point. We're here (on earth) to love God, love ourselves and love our neighbours as ourselves. This purpose has the power to change the world. The reality of the situation is that when my passion turns into anger I am missing the point. The other people, the source of my anger and disappointment, all of the sudden become irrelevant. My anger becomes my impotence.
Anger purvades what I feel is my very purpose for being on this earth. It pollutes my relationship with God and even my marriage. So why do I let it win so often?
I know every trendy "change-the-worlder" spouts off Bono quotes, but in this case, I feel vindicated in sharing a 'Bonoism'. In a recent speech Bono said he was inspired by the words of Dr. Martin Luther King and paraphrased a often quoted section of Dr. King's 'I have a dream speech' into a concise and poignant statement, In Bono's words, "I Refuse to hate, because I know love can do a better job." (SIDE NOTE: you can find a link to Bono's speech on my facebook page and in my links section to the far right).
Love can do a better job. In my blog description I made a commitment to change my life and change the world. So this mantra has become my New Year's resolution. In 2010 I will let love do a better job.