Monday, February 22, 2010

Not divisible by two...

For the first time in our marriage Phil and I are learning the real meaning of making decisions together. We have met the first reality in our marriage that really isn't divisible by two. To be honest, we really sift through all of areas in our life and seperate the tasks, Phil acknowledges that Oliver is really mine, I walk him, feed him, bathe him, cuddle him, and I am sort of the house manager, I deal with the bills, and organize the household chores. Phil has his share of responsibilities. He is sort of our "social coordinator," he plans our vacations (mutually agreed upon of course), weekend camping trips, makes plans with friends, he also takes care of our vehicles, nags the landlord when things need to be repaired, and works a lot of hours during the week.

Our new reality is the impending arrival of our first child. While I am carrying the baby, his opinions of my and the baby's health and well being are valid, and I am learning to listen to his warnings of "honey, you really shouldn't be lifting that" or "I think you are working too many hours" are things that I really need to listen too, even though I may not always like what I hear. All of the sudden, decisions about my health and my body, are a corporate matter. Beyond that, I am learning that simple decisions about cloth versus disposable diapers need to be made mutually to avoid ridiculous arguments.

I am constantly surprised by things that are important to him with regards to our child, as I am sure he is surprised by things that are important to me. The chapter of our marriage where our life is divisible by two is quickly coming to an end. I am still in awe of the fact that there is a tiny baby growing inside of me. I am further awestruck by the fact that this baby, that is kicking me like crazy, is created equally of parts of me and Phil. At this time in my life I am reminded first of all, how quickly nine months can go by, and secondly, that creation is an ongoing process. Not only is God creating new life, he is constantly making old things new again. A little over half way through our pregnancy and our same old marriage (if I can say that after 2 years) is completely new.


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